Grouping Event handlers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ripan
  • Start date Start date


I have a data entry form with numerous fields. Certain fields are
required and need a non-blank input. I am trying to create a class
module for a text box where non-blank inputs are not allowed.

I have the following code:

Public WithEvents Required As MSForms.TextBox
Public notComplete As Integer

Private Sub Required_Change()
If (Required.Text <> "") Then
notComplete = 0
Required.BackColor = &HFF&
Required.ForeColor = &H8000000E
notComplete = 1
Required.BackColor = &HFF&
Required.ForeColor = &H8000000E
End If
MsgBox "In Event"
End Sub

Required is the text box object and notComplete is a flag that is 0 if
the text box has a value and 1 otherwise. The logic here is that all
"RequiredField" objects on a field should have the notComplete set to 0
for the entire form to be complete.

Once I have this code, written, as a test, I set one of my existing
text boxes to be an object of this type like so:

Dim req As RequiredField

Set req = New RequiredField
Set req.Required = frmDataEntry.txtClaimantName

However, when I run the form, changing txtClaimantName does not trigger
the event.

Is there something wrong with my process? Alternatively, is there a
better way to do this?

Any help is appreciated.

Dim req As RequiredField

Set req = New RequiredField
Set req.Required = frmDataEntry.txtClaimantName

The problem is that the variable req falls out of scope when this procedure
ends and the class is un-instantiated (is that even a word?)

Dim req at the top of whatever module sets it so that it persists beyond the
scope of that procedure. For instance, if you wanted to instantiate the
class in your Userform_Initialize event, the module would look like this:

Option Explicit

Dim req As RequiredField

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Set req = New RequiredField
Set req.Required = frmDataEntry.txtClaimantName

End Sub

Having req as a module level variable will hold the class and it will work
as you expect.
OK, that's it. I'm done answering old posts. At least I got it right.

Dick Kusleika
MVP - Excel
Post all replies to the newsgroup.

onedaywhen said:
Multiposts, don't you just love 'em:[email protected]


The problem is that the variable req falls out of scope when this procedure
ends and the class is un-instantiated (is that even a word?)

Dim req at the top of whatever module sets it so that it persists beyond the
scope of that procedure. For instance, if you wanted to instantiate the
class in your Userform_Initialize event, the module would look like this:

Option Explicit

Dim req As RequiredField

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Set req = New RequiredField
Set req.Required = frmDataEntry.txtClaimantName

End Sub

Having req as a module level variable will hold the class and it will work
as you expect.
But the problem is you never know unless someone warns you (just in time, whew!)
or you see it in a different thread (too late, grrrrr!).
Hmmm. Maybe I should be blaming Onedaywhen for interrupting my blissful
