Group Sub-totals

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I am just learning Access and am working with the
Microsoft Access 2003 Step by Step book.

However I am using Access 2002, in Office Pro XP.

I have built a sales table and sales report. I have been
able to have an accum total, in my far left col.

But, I can not get the "Agent" sub total to work...see

1. Also, when I run the report..a box pops up, asking for
the pararamenter value? why and how do I get it to
stop? if I put in 999,999, runs..

2. the report does the "monthly total" acum, okay...last
box on right, picks up each record and adds to previous

3.the Agent sub total (I have the report "sorted and
grouped" by agent and then date...seems okay

But the sub total in "agent footer" takes only the first
agent record and adds it the the prior "Agent Sub total"
and adds the first "record" of that agent...together..and
shows it as it's Sub total...this repeats for each agent?

I have tried everything??????

Can anybody give me an idea of what to do.

Larry Norman
Sorry, I don't have a copy of that book, so all references to the sample
haven't helped me. When you get a MsgBox asking for a value, it usually
means that there is an item on the Report that Access does not find in the
data provided it. It could be just a matter of the Control Source of some
Control being mis-spelled; it could be a matter of a text box being added
but the corresponding field not added to the RecordSource of the Report. It
could even be a Criteria in a Query that you have used as the RecordSource
of the Report.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP