I do wish I could persuade all colleagues to use Project, but hey-ho, Excel
is more widely used.
I have therefore created a project plan in Excel. I have tasks, sub-tasks
and sub-sub-tasks, etc. I need to be able to produce a high-level report for
my director (tasks), a lower level for my line manager (sub tasks), and a
detailed plan for the practitioners (sub-sub-tasks, etc) - and I don't want
to have to do three plans.
In Project I can, at the click of a button, show each task level separately.
But how can I do this in Excel?
I created a macro which hid rows at a click, and another to unhide, but this
only works if you don't add any further rows - and I need to be able to add
rows. Also it looked rather clumsy.
I have all of the TASK ID numbers in one column (1.0, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc) and
all of the TASK NAMES in another column, as you would in Project. In the
TASK NAME column I have indented the lower levels accordingly.
Any help would be appreciated.
is more widely used.
I have therefore created a project plan in Excel. I have tasks, sub-tasks
and sub-sub-tasks, etc. I need to be able to produce a high-level report for
my director (tasks), a lower level for my line manager (sub tasks), and a
detailed plan for the practitioners (sub-sub-tasks, etc) - and I don't want
to have to do three plans.
In Project I can, at the click of a button, show each task level separately.
But how can I do this in Excel?
I created a macro which hid rows at a click, and another to unhide, but this
only works if you don't add any further rows - and I need to be able to add
rows. Also it looked rather clumsy.
I have all of the TASK ID numbers in one column (1.0, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc) and
all of the TASK NAMES in another column, as you would in Project. In the
TASK NAME column I have indented the lower levels accordingly.
Any help would be appreciated.