Group policy set up for netmeeting


Carlis Hall

Local Group policy:

For netmeeting, on the enable automatic configuration
section. It asks the for a URL to configure the settings
for netmeeting. What is it asking for?

Jeffrey Randow (MVP)

From the applicable Resource Kit

Step 4: Using Auto-Configuration
In this page, you verify your distribution file name and whether you
want to create an auto-configuration. If you specify
auto-configuration, each time the user starts NetMeeting, the settings
are automatically downloaded from a Web address that you specify.

Auto-configuration ensures that users do not customize their copies of
NetMeeting. More importantly, it makes changing configurations
throughout your organization easy. For example, if you want to add a
directory server for a user group, simply rerun the wizard to edit an
existing configuration, add the new directory server to the list, and
then save the new custom distribution file to the server. The next
time users in that group start NetMeeting, they will be automatically
connected to the new server, and their copies of NetMeeting are
automatically updated with your change.

To use auto-configuration, you must provide a Uniform Resource Locator
(URL) that will be the Web address that is checked each time the user
starts NetMeeting. You also need to provide a network location that
will store the master configuration file (default name is
Nm3Conf.inf). This network location must be referenced by the URL.
Make sure to include the full path, including the file name, for
example: the URL is http://webserver/share/Nm3Conf.inf, and the server
name for the URL is \\webserver\share\NM3Conf.inf.

After you have named your distribution file and, optionally, set
auto-configuration settings, click Next. On the following page, you
can type the file name and location of the file that contains the
customized installation settings. You can use this file to modify your
settings at a later time.

Click Finish to create your custom configuration.

Note If you're creating multiple configurations, remember to change
the default configuration file name (Nm3c.exe) for each configuration
that you create. The default location for distribution files is in the
NetMeeting Resource Kit\Output folder.

If you have multiple distribution files with auto-configuration, give
each auto-configuration file a unique file name.

Jeffrey Randow (Windows Net. & Smart Display MVP)
(e-mail address removed)

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