Group policy question.... need help....



First some details: Below is a sample layout of simplified active directory.

Group1 (ou)
John Doe (user)
Server1 (ou)
Server 1 Users (security group)

John doe is a member of the Server 1 Users group.

I have an GP applied to group1 that removes the "run option" in the start
menu. This GP will apply to John Doe since his a member of that OU.

I have an GP applied to Server1 allows the "run option" to show up in the
start menu. THis GP will indirectly apply to John Doe because the GP is
applied to the Server 1 Users group and John Doe is a member of that OU.

Question: How do I make it so that when John Doe logs into Server1 the "run
option" shows up in his start menu. In other words how to change the order
or processing of the GP. Currently the GP for Group1 is taking presidnece
over the GP of Server1. I need to set up this way because server1 is a
"special" machine in which the user need special rights on that server ONLY,
and the rights must be different then all the other rights.



Is there a better way of doing this? All I want to do is to have a custom
setup startup menu and desktop for ONE machine in the domain that EVERYBODY
logs into. I want this setup only to apply to the one machine.

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