Is it possible to prevent users’ access to system folder (C:\WINNT) or system drive (drive C: ) through command prompt? We discovered that hiding and preventing access to C: drive through group policy has no meaning, if a user can access the same using the command prompt. Preventing users’ access to command prompt is not a good idea (it is required, especially in an educational institution for verity of reason). Also we found that it is possible to access denied resource (like drive C: ) using other methods (preventing access to command prompt has no use if you can use your own program to do the same)
We are evaluating Windows 2000 to see if it fits and behaves well in our organization. So far (compared to Linux) results are not so encouraging. Is it possible to lockdown a user to his/her home directory (like that in Linux)
We are evaluating Windows 2000 to see if it fits and behaves well in our organization. So far (compared to Linux) results are not so encouraging. Is it possible to lockdown a user to his/her home directory (like that in Linux)