I have just setup a Group policy on an OU with a test user and
everything went fine.
I then went to add the rest of the users using the net user command in
a batch file this created the users OK, so I then moved them to the OU
in question and added them to the group I setup for the test user. But
every new user in the batch file ignores the group policy settings
could somebody help me out with this one ?
PS here is my net user command
net user AbbsChr password /add /comment:"Sex = M" /fullname:"Year = 7
Abbs Christopher" /homedir:\\server1\year7\AbbsChr /passwordchg:no
I have just setup a Group policy on an OU with a test user and
everything went fine.
I then went to add the rest of the users using the net user command in
a batch file this created the users OK, so I then moved them to the OU
in question and added them to the group I setup for the test user. But
every new user in the batch file ignores the group policy settings
could somebody help me out with this one ?
PS here is my net user command
net user AbbsChr password /add /comment:"Sex = M" /fullname:"Year = 7
Abbs Christopher" /homedir:\\server1\year7\AbbsChr /passwordchg:no