group policy desktop appearance

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We have initiated a group policy to give all our domain users the same
company desktop background , which works fine on login, however it has also
forced the server that has the group policy on it to change its background,
is it possible for the windows 2000 server to overide this policy?


The best way to do this would be to create an OU and place the
servers in it. Create a new Group Policy that will disable the
settings you want and then apply Loopback processing. That way the
only time the policy will apply is when a user logs on to the server.

231287 Loopback Processing of Group Policy

Tom Ausburne (MSFT)
Windows 2000 Directory Services
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I have the sever in an OU, do i create the policy in Active Directory users
and computers group policy or the local machine (server) group policy
(gpedit.msc) or are they the same ? and one more stupid question - how do i
get the new policy to only be used on the server? the origianl policy was
just an edit of the default policy.

I hope this makes some sort of sense, but thanaks for your help anyway.

I will read the loopback document.
You create a policy on the OU that the server is in. Use AD Users &
Computers. If the policy is created on the OU and the server is the
only thing in the OU then the policy will only apply to the server.
Enabling the Loopback Processing will make the policy only affect
users who log into the server.

Tom Ausburne (MSFT)
Windows 2000 Directory Services
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no