Group Policy Client Side Extension failures

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sandy Wood
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Sandy Wood

I've noticed that my Vista Enterprise system (and only mine) is having some
problems with processing some Group Policy Client Side Extensions. Each time
I restart I get 4 Event 1128's in my System log that say:

The Group Policy Client Side Extension Software Installation may have caused
the Group Policy Service to terminate unexpectedly.

The Group Policy Client Side Extension EFS recovery may have caused the
Group Policy Service to terminate unexpectedly.

I've run the Group Policy Results wizard for my machine and for each
instance above it says that "An attempt was made to load a program with an
incorrect format." Could something be corrupted in my systems Group Policy?

The Group Policy Client Side Extension Security may have caused the Group
Policy Service to terminate unexpectedly.

The Group Policy Client Side Extension Daci may have caused the Group Policy
Service to terminate unexpectedly.

Only my Vista machine is getting these and I'm wondering if there's a way to
'reset' things on my machine.

Thanks for the links. The first link applies to my system (I'm not on TS). I
ran gpupdate and despite the Client Side Extension warnings, the last event
id was 1500 so I assume from this that I'm good to go.

I guess my next question is how to suppress the annoying pop-up on my task
bar each time I restart my system. Is there perhaps a Group Policy for this?
Sandy Wood
Orange County District Attorney

Peter Foldes said:
Thanks for the suggestion. I hadn't thought about that. I tried a restore,
from yesterday when it was error-free but it's still giving me the error.
However, I only have 2 Client Side Extension failures instead of 4. I'm
halfway there!

That is good to hear. Try another few verifications after booting up fresh in the morning.Also doing a System Restore will not put this issue to sleep as it would not many other issues like a virus for example. Many think that System Restore will fix all issues. Sigh

Anyway about your pop ups on the taskbar. Exactly what is coming up?. A balloon tip possibly or something else?. Do you have any pop up blockers in place?

Let us know
Well I spoke too soon, all 4 are back now. What I'm seeing on the taskbar are
messages like:

"Failed to connect to a windows service - Windows could not connect to the
System Event Notification Service service. This problem prevents limited

Before these I was getting messages that Windows could not connect to the
Group Policy Service.

I'm at the point where I think I'm going to get the install cd out and start
from scratch. Shame was, I just got the machine built last week and finally
got it updated with all the updates. Ah well, it will be faster than trying
to troubleshoot GP.

Then there is something that is added to the extensions that is not supposed to be there. Unfortunately your computer is not in front of me and I am not able to tell. Check your extensions and what is added aside from the your default setup.
There is something there definitely since it seems to disappear slightly and then return


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Sandy Wood said:
Well I spoke too soon, all 4 are back now. What I'm seeing on the taskbar are
messages like:

"Failed to connect to a windows service - Windows could not connect to the
System Event Notification Service service. This problem prevents limited

Before these I was getting messages that Windows could not connect to the
Group Policy Service.

I'm at the point where I think I'm going to get the install cd out and start
from scratch. Shame was, I just got the machine built last week and finally
got it updated with all the updates. Ah well, it will be faster than trying
to troubleshoot GP.

Thanks for the information. What is the best way to "check" my client
extensions? I can see how the Group Policies are or are not applied but I'm
not exactly clear on what to check on the client-side of things. The other
Vista machines in our network (26) apply the same policies without error or
problem. I'd love to be able
"reset" my client extensions but I'm in the dark as how do this.