Group Polices - Account Policies - Password Enforcement


Kyle Stedman


I've got a container (organizational unit) with a number
of users in it, to whom I apply user policies via Group
Policy. These User policies work fine.

I'd like to apply Account Policies to enforce password
changing and password complexity. I see the settings to
do this under Computer Configuration (as opposed to User
Configuration). I set them, use the command line enforce
command, and I replicate, but the settings don't take. By
this I mean that the users are not forced to do what the
Computer Configuration-Windows Settings-Security Settings-
Account Policies are set to.

Does anyone know why I'm having no success?



Kyle Account Policies within a Group Policy applies to the local computer
and local accounts only. To configure such setting for domain users use the
Domain Security Policy Snapin.


I have the same problem as Kyle.
I'm trying to setup a GPO in which account lockout does
not occur. But even if I set failed lockout attempts to
800 times. The accounts keep locking out after 4
attempts. What's going on?

How would you tackle this



Kyle Stedman

Hi Christoffer,

Thanks for the info. I think I'm almost there. One last
thing if you are kind enough:

We have a container with Staff users, and a container
with Public users. These public users are simply
autologon accounts for our public machines. I want the
Account policies to only apply the staff users in the
staff container. I don't want to have to run around to 60
public machines changing their autologon settings because
of Account Policy password policies.

Thanks much,


Password Policies are domain wide and can only be configured at once for
each domain.

Kyle Stedman

Thanks Chris!

-----Original Message-----
Password Policies are domain wide and can only be configured at once for
each domain.

Christoffer Andersson

No email replies please - reply in the newsgroup

"Kyle Stedman" <[email protected]> skrev i meddelandet


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