Group Footer Summarizing Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Crucial
  • Start date Start date


I have a report with 5 columns in it. 3 of the columns are summarized
by a group, and at the end of the report. I'm encountering a problem
however. I have each group's keep together set to "whole group".
However, if there are enough single records to kick the report footer
onto the next page, it seems the last record seems to be reflected

For example:

Items - Product - Weight (Lbs) - Weight (Kgs)
1 - Sample Product 1 - 12 - 26.5
4 - Sample Product 2 - 8 - 17.6
2 - Sample Product 3 - 10- 22.0

The report would show the following footer
7 - Total - 30 - 66.1

However, if the report footer were to kick over to a new page it would
look like the following:
9 - Total - 40 - 88.1

Does anyone know why this happens? or How to stop it? All other group
footers print out perfectly. It's only when the group footer gets
kicked over to the next page that's a problem.
I don't seem to see any thing that says "Control Source" when I open
the properties window.

Can you direct me on where I would find that property on the report?
Every control on your report has a set of properties that you can set in the
Properties dialog. You must select the control to view its properties. Every
text box has a Control Source property.
Oh, I follow now. I was checking the properies on the group section

The control source is set to a textbox in the details section. That
textbox is linked to a query field, and it's running sum property is
set to "Over Group".
Why would a running sum be used? Why aren't the control sources in the
footer, simply:

=Sum([Wieght Lbs Field])
=Sum([Wieght Kgs Field])

Runnings sums are rarely required. When they are used, it is usually to
reference a counting field/text box in a group header or footer.