Stan SR
I need to customize a pargertemplate with these items
a arrow to go back to the 1rst page
a arrow for the previous page
a dropdownlist with the page indexes
a arrow for the new page
a arrow for the last page.
The dropdownlist function is okay, but I m blocked with the arrows
I make something wrong when I set the arrow OnClientClick value or I miss
something that handles the event.
Any help ?
Here's my code.
The aspx part
<asp:GridView ID="CustomersGridView"
ondatabound="CustomersGridView_DataBound" runat="server" AllowPaging="True"
DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1" AllowSorting="true" Width="700"
CellPadding="0" BorderWidth="0" CellSpacing="0">
<HeaderStyle CssClass="headergrille" VerticalAlign="Middle" />
<RowStyle CssClass="normalrow" />
<AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="alernaterow" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Nom" HeaderStyle-Width="400" HeaderText="Nom"
SortExpression="s_libelle" HeaderStyle-CssClass="linkStyleName" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Uid" HeaderStyle-Width="300"
HeaderText="Identificateur" SortExpression="s_uid" />
<div id="pagination">
<asp:ImageButton ID="fpremier" runat="server"
ImageUrl="../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flechepremier.gif" Style="margin:0 5px;" />
<asp:ImageButton ID="fprecedent" runat="server"
ImageUrl="../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flecheprecedent.gif" Style="margin:0 5px;"
<asp:dropdownlist id="PageDropDownList" autopostback="true"
<asp:ImageButton ID="fsuivant" runat="server"
ImageUrl="../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flechesuivant.gif" Style="margin:0 5px;" />
<asp:ImageButton ID="fdernier" runat="server"
ImageUrl="../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flechedernier.gif" Style="margin:0 5px;" />
The code behind
protected void PageDropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender,
EventArgs e)
GridViewRow pagerRow = CustomersGridView.BottomPagerRow;
DropDownList pageList =
CustomersGridView.PageIndex = pageList.SelectedIndex;
protected void CustomersGridView_DataBound(Object sender, EventArgs e)
GridViewRow pagerRow = CustomersGridView.BottomPagerRow;
DropDownList pageList =
ImageButton btn;
if (pageList != null)
for (int i = 0; i < CustomersGridView.PageCount; i++)
int pageNumber = i + 1;
ListItem item = new ListItem(pageNumber.ToString());
if (i == CustomersGridView.PageIndex)
item.Selected = true;
if (pageLabel != null)
int currentPage = CustomersGridView.PageIndex + 1;
if (currentPage == 1)
btn =
btn.ImageUrl = "../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flechepremiera.gif";
btn =
btn.ImageUrl =
if (currentPage == CustomersGridView.PageCount)
btn =
btn.ImageUrl = "../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flechederniera.gif";
btn =
btn.ImageUrl = "../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flechesuivanta.gif";
if (currentPage < CustomersGridView.PageCount)
btn =
btn.OnClientClick =
if (currentPage > 1)
btn =
btn.OnClientClick =
I need to customize a pargertemplate with these items
a arrow to go back to the 1rst page
a arrow for the previous page
a dropdownlist with the page indexes
a arrow for the new page
a arrow for the last page.
The dropdownlist function is okay, but I m blocked with the arrows
I make something wrong when I set the arrow OnClientClick value or I miss
something that handles the event.
Any help ?
Here's my code.
The aspx part
<asp:GridView ID="CustomersGridView"
ondatabound="CustomersGridView_DataBound" runat="server" AllowPaging="True"
DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1" AllowSorting="true" Width="700"
CellPadding="0" BorderWidth="0" CellSpacing="0">
<HeaderStyle CssClass="headergrille" VerticalAlign="Middle" />
<RowStyle CssClass="normalrow" />
<AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="alernaterow" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Nom" HeaderStyle-Width="400" HeaderText="Nom"
SortExpression="s_libelle" HeaderStyle-CssClass="linkStyleName" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Uid" HeaderStyle-Width="300"
HeaderText="Identificateur" SortExpression="s_uid" />
<div id="pagination">
<asp:ImageButton ID="fpremier" runat="server"
ImageUrl="../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flechepremier.gif" Style="margin:0 5px;" />
<asp:ImageButton ID="fprecedent" runat="server"
ImageUrl="../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flecheprecedent.gif" Style="margin:0 5px;"
<asp:dropdownlist id="PageDropDownList" autopostback="true"
<asp:ImageButton ID="fsuivant" runat="server"
ImageUrl="../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flechesuivant.gif" Style="margin:0 5px;" />
<asp:ImageButton ID="fdernier" runat="server"
ImageUrl="../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flechedernier.gif" Style="margin:0 5px;" />
The code behind
protected void PageDropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender,
EventArgs e)
GridViewRow pagerRow = CustomersGridView.BottomPagerRow;
DropDownList pageList =
CustomersGridView.PageIndex = pageList.SelectedIndex;
protected void CustomersGridView_DataBound(Object sender, EventArgs e)
GridViewRow pagerRow = CustomersGridView.BottomPagerRow;
DropDownList pageList =
ImageButton btn;
if (pageList != null)
for (int i = 0; i < CustomersGridView.PageCount; i++)
int pageNumber = i + 1;
ListItem item = new ListItem(pageNumber.ToString());
if (i == CustomersGridView.PageIndex)
item.Selected = true;
if (pageLabel != null)
int currentPage = CustomersGridView.PageIndex + 1;
if (currentPage == 1)
btn =
btn.ImageUrl = "../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flechepremiera.gif";
btn =
btn.ImageUrl =
if (currentPage == CustomersGridView.PageCount)
btn =
btn.ImageUrl = "../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flechederniera.gif";
btn =
btn.ImageUrl = "../BACKOFFICE/imgappli/flechesuivanta.gif";
if (currentPage < CustomersGridView.PageCount)
btn =
btn.OnClientClick =
if (currentPage > 1)
btn =
btn.OnClientClick =