I have a gridview object with a sqldatasource as its sourceid.
Everything was going so well until I came across this problem.
My SELECTCOMMAND for my sqldatasource is:
select alertid,subject,createdt,eventid,eventname, statuscd,trgid from
vwAlerts order by createdt desc
Now, based on a fiew input fields, I put together a WHERE clause for
the filterexpression. For example, this filterexpression works great:
createdt >= '1/1/2007' and createdt <= '1/31/2007'
Simple so far. I also have an input field which is actually a field
in a child table (emaildistribution). If they put anything in this
field, the filterexpression needs to do an IN clause like this:
createdt >= '1/1/2007' and createdt <= '1/31/2007' AND alertid
IN(select alertid from emaildistribution where emailaddress like
When I run this, I get an "Missing operand after 'alertid' operator"
error. Doesn't matter if I use LIKE or = in the IN clause. Is there
any way to make this work? I hate to go back to the manual binding
Thanks for any help!
Everything was going so well until I came across this problem.
My SELECTCOMMAND for my sqldatasource is:
select alertid,subject,createdt,eventid,eventname, statuscd,trgid from
vwAlerts order by createdt desc
Now, based on a fiew input fields, I put together a WHERE clause for
the filterexpression. For example, this filterexpression works great:
createdt >= '1/1/2007' and createdt <= '1/31/2007'
Simple so far. I also have an input field which is actually a field
in a child table (emaildistribution). If they put anything in this
field, the filterexpression needs to do an IN clause like this:
createdt >= '1/1/2007' and createdt <= '1/31/2007' AND alertid
IN(select alertid from emaildistribution where emailaddress like
When I run this, I get an "Missing operand after 'alertid' operator"
error. Doesn't matter if I use LIKE or = in the IN clause. Is there
any way to make this work? I hate to go back to the manual binding
Thanks for any help!