Annoying thing about charts in excel - i cant show the tick minor tick marks
or gridlines without showing the major ones.
The x-values in my chart are specified in the table, 70,75,80% etc. What is
weird is it works fine on the y-axis, I have the gridlines and tick marks
only opposite the values, not between categories.
How can I get the lines and larks only opposite the values/categories shown
on the x-axis?
Annoying thing about charts in excel - i cant show the tick minor tick marks
or gridlines without showing the major ones.
The x-values in my chart are specified in the table, 70,75,80% etc. What is
weird is it works fine on the y-axis, I have the gridlines and tick marks
only opposite the values, not between categories.
How can I get the lines and larks only opposite the values/categories shown
on the x-axis?