grideview's OnRowUpdating event not fire



Hello all
this is problem I worked a few hours without answer,
this is my gridview control-------

<asp:GridView ID="gview" runat="server"
Width="710px" AutoGenerateEditButton =true OnRowUpdating ="OnRowUpdate"
AllowPaging ="false" AutoGenerateColumns ="false"
AllowSorting ="false" OnRowEditing="OnRowEdit" OnRowCancelingEdit
EnableViewState="false" DataKeyNames ="ATTR_KEY"

my "Edit" and "Cancel" event are working just fine, but "OnRowUpdating "
never fired when I click "Update", I double checked spell and everytihg, but
still not work
this is function for update

protected void OnRowUpdate(object source, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
string strUpdte ="UPDATE ";
if (e.NewValues["WPA_ITEM_TX"] != e.OldValues["WPA_ITEM_TX"])
strUpdte = e.NewValues["WPA_TEM_TX"].ToString();

gview.EditIndex = -1;
int clntKey = Convert.ToInt32(ddList.SelectedValue);
gview.DataSource = myUser.GetWpa(clntKey);


it never hit the first line of this function when I try to debug

any ideas


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