in VB6 I formatted gridcolumns like this :
If UCase(oRSOverview(Ix).Name) = "KBINDEX" Then
Me.GrdOverview.Columns(Ix).Alignment = 1
Me.GrdOverview.Columns(Ix).NumberFormat = "#,###,####,##0"
End If
If UCase(oRSOverview(Ix).Name) = "TS_STATS" Then
Me.GrdOverview.Columns(Ix).Width = 2000
End If
'don't show idnrs
If UCase(oRSOverview(Ix).Name) = "IDNR" Then
Me.GrdOverview.Columns(Ix).Width = 0
End If
How is this done in VB.Net ?
I've read something about globalization, but I can't find the link to the
Datagrid.datasource is dinamic in this case, so columnnames and datatypes
will determine if a column is to be shown or not and in which format.
in VB6 I formatted gridcolumns like this :
If UCase(oRSOverview(Ix).Name) = "KBINDEX" Then
Me.GrdOverview.Columns(Ix).Alignment = 1
Me.GrdOverview.Columns(Ix).NumberFormat = "#,###,####,##0"
End If
If UCase(oRSOverview(Ix).Name) = "TS_STATS" Then
Me.GrdOverview.Columns(Ix).Width = 2000
End If
'don't show idnrs
If UCase(oRSOverview(Ix).Name) = "IDNR" Then
Me.GrdOverview.Columns(Ix).Width = 0
End If
How is this done in VB.Net ?
I've read something about globalization, but I can't find the link to the
Datagrid.datasource is dinamic in this case, so columnnames and datatypes
will determine if a column is to be shown or not and in which format.