robert said:
Compaq 17 inch crt monitor model 171FS
about 4 years old
Twice in the last week the display suddenly showed a green tinge
looking washed out Both times it fixed itself
It's probably a bad connection or cable. Try wiggling the connectors
at the graphics card and monitor and the cable near the connectors.
If anything changes, you may need a new cable, and I hope your monitor
has the detachable kind, in which case you should replace it with the
cheapest fat one you can find (skinny cables can give fuzzy
pictures). Internet dealers (find one through and
electronics supplies may be cheaper than local computer stores. But
if the cable is permanently attached, you'll have to open up the
monitor. Replacement cables are available from places like MCM In
One, or you can remove one from a junked monitor, although you don't
want to cut it off because you want to retain the internal connector,
even if it doesn't exactly fit your monitor (wrong size, wires
arranged wrong).
Other than buying a new monitor, can i fix this myself?
You? Maybe not.

I don't mean that as an insult but as a warning
-- the CRT could explode violently and shoot out sharp particles at
great velocity if you let the monitor fall (they tend to tip forward)
or accidentally knock the CRT neck, you could get shocked even after
the monitor has been unplugged, or you could fix it wrong and cause
electric shock or further damage.
Try or search the dumpsters for old monitors. People
are tossing out so many perfectly good CRT monitors because they're
switching to LCDs that I don't even bother picking up anything less
than 19" any more (I found five of them).