Great how to...

  • Thread starter Thread starter lucypyne
  • Start date Start date
The guy seems to know what he is talking about, but what
is missing .. and required in this hobby ... are the specifics
that will greatly increase your chances of building a nice
system that will get the job done. For example: right now,
there are several posts asking for help when a new system
simply will not post. It is put together right ... It don't work.
I avoid that with almost 100% success by buying mobo
bundles, assembled and tested, from That
$9 added cost to a well integrated and tested mobo, cpu,
cooling fan, and ram gives me a good warranty and tech
support. Those are the real facts in building a home
system. Another example: I learned the hard way not
to buy video cards from XFX. Most of the time I was
getting restocks and refurbs from them. I switched to
BFG, and paid the extra price for warranty and testing,
and now I get good game cards that work out of the box.
We need to know about the vendors reputations, and
what kind of support they offer. Cheap is not always
cheap. And those vendors who restock failed hardware
need to be dragged out in the light of day and exposed
for that.
