Gray Bar Taking up Half of Excel Window



I maintain some fairly hefty excel spreadsheets for a financial services
firm. The sheets have plugins to real time stock prices via a DDE feed
from a firm called Bloomberg. There are a number of macros that pull
data via queries from an MS SQL Server database. There are also a
number of different pivot tables that display all the data that comes

Here is the problem: some users will randomly experience a gray bar
that takes up the left third of the excel window. This affects any
other spreadsheets that open up in that session of excel. You can
actually slide the windows in that session under or away from this gray
bar. The gray bar is not resizable, and the only way to get rid of it is
to completely kill the excel session.

The problem is usually triggered after a user hits a button that runs
code that executes the query to MS SQL Server, and then some other
cleaning and formatting of cells. Users may go weeks without seeing it
before they get it again. Some users experience it, others don't.

For the most part, the users are on Windows 2000 Professional and Excel
2000. Others are on 2003.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I've had this problem intermittently for a year. It occurs seemingly a
random and is incredibly irritating. I'm still no nearer establishin
what causes it (despite mucking about with spy++ and trying to use wi
API functions to force it to shut), but at least now know how to ge
rid of it without having to shut down the whole process. The trick i
to drag a toolbar over the offending grey bar - it should then go awa
again. I bring this up now because when I'd searched for it in the pas
I found several people seemed to have experienced the same problem, bu
no-one seemed to have a solution that worked for me

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