I've created a macro that updates the data in existing graphs in a powerpoint file. However, when I close the file and re-open it, the data reverts back to its original. If I run the macro and then double click the graph BEFORE closing the file, then the new data is saved and I don't have the problem.
I need to work out how to make my macro work so the new data is saved even without me manually double-clicking on each graph. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I've created a macro that updates the data in existing graphs in a powerpoint file. However, when I close the file and re-open it, the data reverts back to its original. If I run the macro and then double click the graph BEFORE closing the file, then the new data is saved and I don't have the problem.
I need to work out how to make my macro work so the new data is saved even without me manually double-clicking on each graph. Any help would be greatly appreciated!