teresa said:
When graphing days of the week by calendar days, how do
you keep Saturday and Sunday from showing up in the axis
with the Monday - Friday days?
Double-click the header of the column or row you want to hide.
Here's what the help files for Graph in PPT 2002 (aka XP) say -- maybe
this will explain it a little better.
Exclude or include rows or columns of a datasheet from a chart
The following procedure either excludes data from a chart without
deleting the corresponding data from the datasheet or restores to the
chart rows and columns that appear dimmed on the datasheet.
Switch to the datasheet.
Double-click the row heading or column heading of the row or column you
want to remove from or add to the chart.
You can also exclude a data series from a chart by clicking the data
series and then pressing DELETE.
In a bubble chart, Microsoft Graph excludes or includes two rows or
columns for each data series.