Chris Guimbellot
I know this may defy logic, but here goes anyway. In Excel 2000, is it
possible to graph two related, but not directly related sets of numbers on
the same graph? I'll explain. I have included some numbers below. The two
sets are reservations and revenue. If you were to create a line graph of the
reservations set and then create another graph of the revenue set, the lines
correlate with minor, though natural, differences. If you were to create one
graph with both sets, the reservations line would barely leave the X axis
(due to the fact that each reservation is about $100).
However, if you were to superimpose the lines onto the same graph
(disregarding the values of the Y axis), you could see the correlation of
the two sets.
My question is is it possible to superimpose the lines onto the same graph
without regard for the scale of the Y axis?
I have included the sample data that should illustrate the point below. I
appreciate any help.
Reservations Revenue
January 850 $96,666.80
February 1034 $116,055.85
March 1417 $156,511.57
April 1103 $101,853.68
May 1482 $140,459.97
June 1791 $178,205.12
July 1786 $163,519.18
August 1576 $142,821.40
September 1334 $106,705.09
October 1138 $89,414.88
November 727 $52,541.69
December 450 $35,572.07
I know this may defy logic, but here goes anyway. In Excel 2000, is it
possible to graph two related, but not directly related sets of numbers on
the same graph? I'll explain. I have included some numbers below. The two
sets are reservations and revenue. If you were to create a line graph of the
reservations set and then create another graph of the revenue set, the lines
correlate with minor, though natural, differences. If you were to create one
graph with both sets, the reservations line would barely leave the X axis
(due to the fact that each reservation is about $100).
However, if you were to superimpose the lines onto the same graph
(disregarding the values of the Y axis), you could see the correlation of
the two sets.
My question is is it possible to superimpose the lines onto the same graph
without regard for the scale of the Y axis?
I have included the sample data that should illustrate the point below. I
appreciate any help.
Reservations Revenue
January 850 $96,666.80
February 1034 $116,055.85
March 1417 $156,511.57
April 1103 $101,853.68
May 1482 $140,459.97
June 1791 $178,205.12
July 1786 $163,519.18
August 1576 $142,821.40
September 1334 $106,705.09
October 1138 $89,414.88
November 727 $52,541.69
December 450 $35,572.07