I laughed.
But back to the thread, DK91...
How are you drawing the graphics again? Are you drawing the graphics
directly onto the form, or onto an image object, then onto the form. I
suggest modifying your form's contructor to enable Double Buffering, then
drawing onto an image object and then drawing the image:
Public Sub New()
'WinForms Stuff
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True)
End Sub
-- Tom Spink, Über Geek
Please respond to the newsgroup,
so all can benefit
"Chaos, Panic, Disorder, my work here is done"
: >
: > >-----Original Message-----
: > >> I'm a Newbie who has only been using VB for a year or so
: > >> and I am developing a driving game. Is there a quicker
: > way
: > >> than drawing all the graphics over again to make it move
: > >> forward?
: > >
: > >Probably: No
: > >
: > >> Somebody pleaseeeeeeeee answer me! I'm going mad!
: > >
: > >
: > contentid=28000410
: > >
: > >> DK91
: > >
: > >Wrong. Right
: > >
: > >
: > >--
: > >Armin
: > >
: > >.
: > >
: >
: > What the?...
: >
: > DK91
: >
: > P.S. That was a lot of **** help!
: 1. I said: "Probably: No". There is nothing more I can say about it.
: 2. Did you follow the link?
: 3. DX9.0 was a joke. ha ha. :-(
: --
: Armin