You can adjust your WEI score by adding a different video card. If I remember
correctly , the 5200 only has 128Mb shared. But honestly, as long as you are
happy with the graphics, and DVDMaker is accepting the card, I would say,
keep it where it is.
But the option is there. try an external video card, you can get something
like the NVIDIA 6000 or 7000 series that have either 256Mb onboard, or 256mb
Shared. Now, I wouldn't suggest anything more than that, mostly because if
you aren't doing heavy gaming or anything like that,. I just couldn't see the
binefit for the cost. But if you choose to do so, be ready to open your
wallet a little. Y0ou are looking anywhere between a $70 to $300+ expense.
Especially if you are only wanting to raise the WEI number.
My Media center laptop only has a 1.0 for graphics, and I can't use
DVDMaker. Otherwise, the experience is great for me.