Don't save them to that folder, Import them into that folder.
File | Import .... make sure you select the folder you're gonna import into
| after I sized my images in Photoshop, should I create a new folder
| under the "folder list" in FP and save ALL these images in the right size
| (pixel x pixel) in the new folder, before I put these individual images
| my web pages? Or can I save them in my desktop and just insert them right
| into my page from my desktop?
| My 2nd question, what I wanted was to have a "rollover effect" of a
| or a button to give me a panel of choices under that catergory. For
| when I rollover "housing types", a panel of buttons such as "residential"
| "commercial" will spring out from it. Can FP do that?
| "Thomas A. Rowe" wrote:
| > 1. You need to optimize the original graphic images, then save as jpeg
with the quality setting you
| > want at 72 dpi from a graphic application to your desktop, then import
into your current open FP
| > web, then insert on your page.
| >
| > The only time the quality setting under image properties comes into
play, is when you let FP save
| > the image, which you should never do.
| >
| > 2. FP navigation components are limited to the web / subweb they are
created in. You will have to
| > search the internet for JavaScript DHTML Menus, etc. or manually create
your menus using plain text
| > or images.
| >
| > --
| > ==============================================
| > Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| > ==============================================
| > If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
| > a Service Pack or security update, please contact
| > Microsoft Product Support Services:
| >
| > If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
| > security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.
| > ==============================================
| >
| > | > > I'm using FP2000. I copied & paste my graphic images from
MSpowerpoint to
| > > FP. under the FP image properties: quality: = 75. What does this 75
| > > is it 75 dpi ? If it's 75 dpi, the images shouldn't be big, should
| > > problem loading.. my biggest image is about 3" X 4" and there are
about 19
| > > images on 1 web page.
| > >
| > > Should I re-import from my graphic software instead of Powerpoint??
| > >
| > > 2nd question. How can I do a fly-out tap with FP2000 or can it do
such a
| > > thing? Or else, how to go into SUBWEBS from the main navigation bar?
| > >
| > > thanks in advance.
| >
| >
| >