Graphics Tablets - anything known?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Does anyone here use a graphics tablet, by any chance? I have been thinking about getting one - mainly for use when I'm doing something artyfied with graphics, to get a bit more accuracy. (I wasn't planning to oust the mouse for "normal" or gaming tasks.)

The ones I've seen (generally Googling around) appear to range in price from about £20-odd to several thousands! :eek: I obviously don't need anything OTT, but neither do I want to buy something which doesn't function very well. So, I wondered if any of you have any recommendations to make please?

Thanks guys :D
Depends how serious you are about your artyness.. I have a Wacom Tablet, which I payed nearly £400 for..I do quite serious graphics so need something that is quite high spec..In my opinion for the average Joe that just wants one for messing around..Spend aroun £60 to £70 for something decent.....
I have two, but I do not use them, simply because I don't do "graphics" anymore and it is easier with the mouse. Buy cheap, buy twice. :D

I aggree with Madxg', you need to spend a few bob on one the fully appreciate it ... the "tabet" itself can be let down with crapy software. ;)

Thank you for the replies. I noticed that "Wacom" seemed to be a popular brand, but MadX and Mucks, you have both confirmed what I was thinking - to stay clear of the real cheapies.

I'm not a professional, so I wouldn't need anything "top of the range" just something that would be responsive, when I'm indulging in a bit of "computer art" or, repairing an old photo. (I find mice to be a bit too clunky when I'm trying to do something which requires detail - or if I want to add a handwritten touch to something.) So I was anticipating that I'd need to spend about £70 or so. However, when I saw that tablet prices went into the thousands, it made me wonder whether anything in my price bracket would be worth bothering with - if you see what I mean?

Is there any specific function or feature which should be either considered - or avoided please? Not trying to be a pain, but it's very helpful to have your advice. :nod:

Thanks again :thumb: :D
Will Niv and Feckit please make their way to the naughty-step, and remain seated there for 20 minutes! ;) :D
Taffycat said:
Will Niv and Feckit please make their way to the naughty-step, and remain seated there for 20 minutes! ;) :D
Madxgraphics said:
Feckit for posting twice with such cheekyness, I think you should get an extra half hour on the naughty step..

He's got an extra half hour AND I'm confiscating his slingshot and gobstoppers!
Taffycat said:
He's got an extra half hour AND I'm confiscating his slingshot and gobstoppers!
Shut it Madxgraphics!
I only expect to get told off by TC, not by a plastic noddy!:p
feckit said:
Shut it Madxgraphics!
I only expect to get told off by TC, not by a plastic noddy!:p

ooOOoo...Some ones a bit touchy today...Did you fall out your cot today..?:p :p I bet you got a plastic Noddy and Big Ears in your toy box though:p
Hi Taffycat.
I`ve just seen your post re: graphic tablets.
Well I bought one a few years ago for around £30 pounds in a shop called Morgans in New Oxford Street,I think.
and for £30 pounds it has served me well for what I use it for, like you I`m no arty chap.
Mine,by the way is a "Genius" known as a "pen tablet"
Madxgraphics said:
ooOOoo...Some ones a bit touchy today...Did you fall out your cot today..?:p :p I bet you got a plastic Noddy and Big Ears in your toy box though:p
Sorry had a bad day when i posted!
I stopped playing with my toy box when i got a rifle bought for me!!:D
feckit said:
Sorry had a bad day when i posted!
I stopped playing with my toy box when i got a rifle bought for me!!:D

lol you know me, always taking the p*ss...Have learnt on this forum to take things light they gave me a rifle in the army...But when that ended I went back to toys....
historian said:
Hi Taffycat.
I`ve just seen your post re: graphic tablets.
Well I bought one a few years ago for around £30 pounds in a shop called Morgans in New Oxford Street,I think.
and for £30 pounds it has served me well for what I use it for, like you I`m no arty chap.
Mine,by the way is a "Genius" known as a "pen tablet"

Thank you for posting Historian, actually, I've heard of Morgans (having seen them on the Web) but didn't think of looking there - however I shall browse over there now to take a look. :thumb: :D
I bought my brother a graphics tablet recently - I went for a Wacom Bamboo One from Amazon for £30. I picked it because it got very good reviews - so if you're looking for something not too pricey it seems like a good option.
Thank you Bex, I looked at the Wacom range first, (before submitting my original post) but there were just so many to choose from, that I decided to ask in here. I'll go and take another look at the Bamboo - it always helps to hear of someone being happy with their purchase :nod: