bob p.
My wife has a Toshiba Laptop, Win98; Outlook 2000 and a
new HP3820 printer which along w/Norton AntiVirus was
installed 2 wkends ago. Since then has been unable to
printout graphics/jpegs, they show on screen but when
printed whereever graphics should be is a Square with a
Red X inside? When Printer was tested at installation,
graphics from its program printed out. What do we need to
do to correct problem. Thanks in advance for any
new HP3820 printer which along w/Norton AntiVirus was
installed 2 wkends ago. Since then has been unable to
printout graphics/jpegs, they show on screen but when
printed whereever graphics should be is a Square with a
Red X inside? When Printer was tested at installation,
graphics from its program printed out. What do we need to
do to correct problem. Thanks in advance for any