Graphics Card Replacement


Feb 23, 2002
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I'm typing this from my iPad, as my graphics card failed this morning - it's an 8800 GTS. The PC froze after a few mins this morning and then displayed coloured lines, random chars and distortion on reboot and it's done this every time since. I don't have a replacement to test, but I'm 95% sure it's the graphics card.

Are there any deals or cards that you'd recommend? My budget is £100, but ideally something closer to £70 - as I'm not a heavy gamer but would still like to play things like bf3.

Any suggestions would be most welcome :D
I'd say buy one of them chaep nasty ones for £19.99 just so ya can rule out its actually the card first
What Mucks said. I have a 9800GT in my AMD machine and it's a step up from the 8800GTS and has run everything I've thrown at it so far, albeit not always at full res.
Depending on your budget the 560's are a good bang for buck card.
Are there any deals or cards that you'd recommend? My budget is £100, but ideally something closer to £70 - as I'm not a heavy gamer but would still like to play things like bf3.

V_R said:
Depending on your budget the 560's are a good bang for buck card

The 560 series are around £150.00 and are good value, I know, I've just bought one and I'm finding it performs very well for the money, Crysis 2 in DX11 - woohoo!

But for the requested budget I think the 9800GT is the best bet.
Ah lol, sorry i failed at reading Ian's OP. :o

Yeah as above the 9800GT it is then i guess.
Well, i just feel buying an old card like that is a bit of a waste..... The 9800GT wont play BF3 all that well i'd wager. ;)

EDIT: Ian, if you can stretch to £85 i'd go for this...

That will batter the 9800GT with ease and it will do DX11. ;)

Thanks guys - I just need a graphics card to last me another year or so (before being moved to Becky's PC), so that's why I'm not too fussed if it's not as good as the 560. Would something like the 6770 be a good buy, as they are around £80 and I can pick one up locally?
Cheers, that may be the one then :). If the budget was up to £150, what would you consider? (I'm getting tempted :D) The 560?
If it were me and I wanted to stick fairly close to my original budget then I'd go for the 460 V_R linked, an excellent purchase :thumb:

As ever, it's always a matter of budget but FWIW this is the one I just purchased and it's a hellluva improvement on my 9800GTX. but yes, 560's probably the best value for money atm.

Had a pension not suddenly come through out of the blue I would still have my 9800GTX in my core 2 duo based system btw, that's the only reason I decided on a new graphics card.
Thanks for the advice folks, looks like I'll up by budget to £150 and go for the 560 :). Just wish my graphics card had blown a few weeks ago so I could have gone for the bargain 480 that V_R posted a while back.
Lol, yeah that's sods law, that 480 was a steal at that price!
btw folks, the free Batman Arkham City game you get with Nvidia cards atm isn't actually released yet. You'll get a code to enter at the Nvidia site who will then give you a code to enter with Steam.

I've done that and the game is sitting there in my Steam library greyed out with a notice saying 'Batman Arkham City will be released soon'.
My EVGA 560 is also overclocked to 850 and was £145 cos Scan give me free postage. But it does only have the one fan. Which, incidentally, keeps it quite cool.

But hey - excellent card Mr Mucks, I can assure you and Ian you'll be happy with your choice for your outlay.
Just picked an MSI 560 GTX up now, so I'm back up and running :D. Phew...

Downloading drivers and then may "test" a game or two.

Thanks for the advice everyone - really appreciate it :thumb:.