Graphics Card Comparison


Feb 23, 2002
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Tom's Hardware have a roundup of all the recent graphics card models and have created a great charting tool that lets you compare your current graphics card with a list of other cards. Along with the cards you want to compare, you can also pick the game and resolution you want the results to relate to.

From the Nvidia camp we've benchmarked the new DirectX 10 Geforce 8800 GT in both single card and SLI configuration, as well as the midrange Geforce 8600 GTS and low-end Geforce 8400 GS turbocache edition.

On the ATI side, we've added the new DirectX 10.1 Radeons 3870 and 3850, and augmented the Radeon 2900 XT results with a crossfire configuration. We've also included the Radeon 2600 PRO and 2600 XT, both in single and Crossfire configurations as well. Finally, as the counterpoint for the 8400 GS turbocache, we've added the Radeon 2400 Pro hypermemory edition.

While this might seem to be a large amount of information to soak in, our simple inerface has proven invaluable to those of us who need to compare various graphics card performance in specific titles.

Give it a go here.


  • dx10.webp
    3.4 KB · Views: 2,489
Excellent link :thumb:

Some quite odd results as well.

I have the 8800GTS 640Mb which sometimes comes ahead of the Ultra, is sometimes beaten by ATI cards, a 7900GS and even the 8800GTS 320Mb :confused:

There doesn't appear to be any consistency linked to any one card across all the benchmarks. Odd.
Nice list, good to see they've updated it.

Sadly its already out of date, they don't have the new 8800GTS G92! :D

Any idea what drivers they used?
It all revolves around different manufacturers some of them like to add a little extra oomph to their GPU and memory speeds. all dpends how generous they are I suppose