David Williamson
Should the graphics aperture be set to the memory size of your card, or
would setting to max give any better performance?
would setting to max give any better performance?
Should the graphics aperture be set to the memory size of your card, or
would setting to max give any better performance?
Erm .. i found this place through google groups
.. is it not a yes or no answer?
256 megs for maybe a slight performane boost like 0.5%, defpending on system
cpu/ram (have at least 1 gig ram). Most
ppl report no improvement jacking apperature that large, some get lock ups
or crashes this high.
O could be a troll and tell you to google it or search the fricking
forums... but I feel been quite a long while since this was reposted and NEW
ppl new to Graphic Cards may want to know.
That method is not used anymore (1/2 System ram) .RipFlex said:People go 256 meg aperature size or 1/2 your System ram
This was very very very helpfulSimply put, that BIOS settings determines how much system RAM can be used
when your graphics card RAM is used up.
That being the case, the more RAM you graphic card has, the less system RAM
needs to be used. For example if your graphic card has 64 MB RAM I'd set the
aperture to 128. If your card has 256MB RAM I'd set the aperture to 64.
Very little affect on performance either way.