Nothing comes up except an image place holder showing no graphical number
pulled from the DB
So, something does come up image placeholder. The page does load
and you see the browser trying to display an image. That is not the same as
"nothing happens".
Why bother answering me if you have no intention of downloading it,
to the WWWRoot folder & running it (2 mins).
Because there is more than this involved. I'd have to create the database
table and alter the code to connect to that. I'd have to make a new Visual
Studio project and there is no need for any of this if you could provide a
more detailed explanation of what is happening.
Me in VB.NET may write 400
lines of code to help someone out, but that is the difference between you
Look, we are all here to help each other out. I think you will have a hard
time finding anyone here willing to code 400 lines to solve someone else's
problem when the problem hasn't even been identified.
So, stop answering such silly things
Clearly, you are looking for someone to do your homework for you, rather
than for yourself. That's not what these newsgroups are for. I am trying
to help you and one of the things I'm trying to help you with is how to get
the best responses in these newsgroups.
By the way, you still haven't answered my question that I asked earlier
about checking the database to see if the counter had, in fact, been
Rather than demanding others completely replicate your project, you might
just try providing the information requested. Not doing so seems pretty
silly to me.