For each reservation, activate (turn visible) one rectangle previously
With one triangle, position it top property at the height corresponding
to the room, its left property corresponding at the starting time, its width
property that correspond to the duration. Remember that, in VBA, those
properties are to be specified in twips.
You would have to create those rectangles in design mode. Their name
should be easy for your code to be able to pick them:
"Rect" & i
as example, for Rect1 to Rect200, if you pre-create 200 rectangles.
More versatile, but maybe a little bit more complex if you never did it
before, would be to use the GDI to draw on a picture box, such as the one
almost pre-canned for you at
http://www.lebans.com/ The advantage of that
solution is that once draw, you can forget the "rectangle", while with the
first solution, you have to manage those used and those still available
(invisible)... but again, it may be easier to click on them (already they
have their mouse down event), than having to work with a general mouse click
event. All depend of what you expect you would have to do, and the time you
have to deliver...
Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP