Graphic card with or without fan

  • Thread starter Thread starter The Undertaker
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The Undertaker

Dear All,
I would like to know if graphic cards with fan are more resistant in hot
environment than those without. I am sending some PCs to an African country
where they will be used in an place without aircon, so it would be great to
know this before choosing an appropriate configuration.
The Undertaker
Most Graphic Cards today have a Fan. How old are the Computers you are
sending to Africa?
Fans will fail. The hotter the environment the sooner the failure.
Suggest a system that is relatively fan free and any fans be quality
ball bearing type.
To the OP:
Graphics cards with fans need the fans because they are
doing more work and drawing more power to run fast graphics
for games. Decided how much graphics power is needed to run
the software that will be used.

A card with a big heat sink might run cooler than a smaller
heat sink with a fan. I would consider adding a slot
exhaust fan or perhaps another case fan to remove heat from
the entire system. I would use SATA or round EIDE cable to
improve air-flow.

Most computer systems list 40 C as the maximum ambient
temperature, but lower is better. Often in tropical
climates, water evaporation coolers are used, but they have
a high moisture content which will not be good for the

Temperature within limits is not seriously harmful, even
though cooler is better. If temperature is very high, a
water cooled system might be a good idea.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
some support

| Fans will fail. The hotter the environment the sooner the
| Suggest a system that is relatively fan free and any fans
be quality
| ball bearing type.
| The Undertaker wrote:
| > Dear All,
| > I would like to know if graphic cards with fan are more
resistant in hot
| > environment than those without. I am sending some PCs to
an African country
| > where they will be used in an place without aircon, so
it would be great to
| > know this before choosing an appropriate configuration.
| > Thanks.
| > The Undertaker
| >
| >
Fans are a must,some cards claim the heat sink eliminates the need for a
fan,however those are usually the cheaper cards.Even adding a fan in the
right location for the board will help,
Hi there,
FYI the information I am sending relatively new systems. The graphic card I
am planning to buy is the Asus A9250/TD/128M which is fanless. I don't know
what u mean that "Most Graphic cards today have a fan". I don't share your
opinion on that one...
The Undertaker
Thanks for your advice I think I will go for the fanless graphic cards then.
The Undertaker