I am using the following 32MB graphic card
NVIDIA RIVATNT2 Model 64/Model 64
My problem is that the driver given with this card by a
third party dealer has
no microsoft digital signature.So I downloaded the driver
for using with windows2000.
But when it was installed, it shows in windows as 16MB
memory card and thus creates many
errors in windows like Rscmpt error....Some times not
allowing to boot or hang up programs.
And in the download page of NVIDIA drivers there is no
specific information about this
graphic card.
I am using Win2000 professional and last day at the time
of loading windows it showed a blue screen
with the following error.....
STOP: 0X0000000A (0X65645FF8, 0X00000002,
Address 80515492 base at 804D0000 ,DateStamp 384d9b17_
Beginning dump of Physical Memory.
Physical Memory dump complete.Contact System administrator
or technical group.
Please tell me why this error
happens and how to avoid this.......
Also tell me, where can I obtain the proper driver with
Microsoft digital signature and for
32MB cards like " NVIDIA RIVATNT2 Model 64/Model 64 "
NVIDIA RIVATNT2 Model 64/Model 64
My problem is that the driver given with this card by a
third party dealer has
no microsoft digital signature.So I downloaded the driver
for using with windows2000.
But when it was installed, it shows in windows as 16MB
memory card and thus creates many
errors in windows like Rscmpt error....Some times not
allowing to boot or hang up programs.
And in the download page of NVIDIA drivers there is no
specific information about this
graphic card.
I am using Win2000 professional and last day at the time
of loading windows it showed a blue screen
with the following error.....
STOP: 0X0000000A (0X65645FF8, 0X00000002,
Address 80515492 base at 804D0000 ,DateStamp 384d9b17_
Beginning dump of Physical Memory.
Physical Memory dump complete.Contact System administrator
or technical group.
Please tell me why this error
happens and how to avoid this.......
Also tell me, where can I obtain the proper driver with
Microsoft digital signature and for
32MB cards like " NVIDIA RIVATNT2 Model 64/Model 64 "