Hi Juane,
I feel sorry to trouble you with this. It is much easier for me look at it
in the design screen.
The crosstab query is based on a query that has two other queries in it.
These two other queries are the ones that contain the criteria.
The following is the SQL from the first of the two queries that contain
criteria. If it is too much trouble, please ignore it. I guess I will try
harder myself to see if I can find out something is wrong.
PARAMETERS [forms]![frmOverallReportCriteria]![cmbPL] Text ( 255 ),
[forms]![frmOverallReportCriteria]![cmbCT] Text ( 255 );
SELECT qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.Product, qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.PL,
qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.CT, Val([MOP]) AS NMOP,
qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.MOP, Val([MIS/Miles]) AS NMIS,
qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.[YTD/CMP], qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.[C/1000],
Format([C/1000],"0.00") AS C1000, qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.ModelYear
FROM qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI
AND (Not ([forms]![frmOverallReportCriteria]![cmbCT]) Is Null) AND (Not
([Forms]![frmOverallReportCriteria]![CmbPL]) Is Null)) OR
AND ((qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.CT)="TOTALS") AND
(([forms]![frmOverallReportCriteria]![cmbCT]) Is Null)) OR
(((qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.PL) Is Null) AND
((qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.CT)="TOTALS") AND
(([forms]![frmOverallReportCriteria]![cmbCT]) Is Null) AND
(([Forms]![frmOverallReportCriteria]![CmbPL])="Totals")) OR
(((qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.PL) Is Null) AND
((qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.CT)="TOTALS") AND
(([forms]![frmOverallReportCriteria]![cmbCT]) Is Null) AND
(([Forms]![frmOverallReportCriteria]![CmbPL]) Is Null)) OR
(((qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.PL) Is Null) AND
((qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.CT)="TOTALS") AND
(([forms]![frmOverallReportCriteria]![cmbCT])="Totals") AND
(([Forms]![frmOverallReportCriteria]![CmbPL]) Is Null)) OR
(((qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.PL) Is Null) AND
AND (([Forms]![frmOverallReportCriteria]![CmbPL]) Is Null))
ORDER BY qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.Product, qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.PL,
qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.CT, Val([MOP]), Val([MIS/Miles]),
qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.ModelYear, qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.PL,
qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.CT, qryC1000DataMOPChryslerI.MOP;
Access/VB Programmer
Duane Hookom said:
I guess I should have asked to see the SQL of the query containing the
references to the drop-down boxes since that seems to be where the error is
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP
The following is the row source:
TRANSFORM Sum(qryC1000DataMOP.C1000) AS SumOfC1000 SELECT
BY qryC1000DataMOP.NMIS, qryC1000DataMOP.NMOP PIVOT qryC1000DataMOP.NMOP;
Yes. I did set paramers data types in the parameters window.
Access/VB Programmer
What is the Row Source of the graph? Did you set the data types of the
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP
I have a graph that is based on a crosstab query and have 4 fields that take
input data or parameter values from four drop-down boxes on a form.
When I run the report just by clicking on the report without using the form
that has four drop-down boxes, it works fine no matter what way I entered
those parameter values. However, if I use the form and not select some values
on the form, the graph stop showing. Graphs will show if I select most of
values on the form.
I just wonder what I did wrong.