Graph over a time span

  • Thread starter Thread starter daisy
  • Start date Start date


Hi, can anyone please help?

Is there a way to graph from a span of time. We have Members with certain
benefits that is good forever basically and then Members by their Contract St
and End Dt and Members in special programs. So the data looks like for

Member StDt EndDt ContractFees Contract Type
Member A 1/1/2006 12/31/2009 $500 Program C
Member B 1/1/2006 doesn't expire $2000 Program A
Member C 6/1/2006 5/1/2010 $1000 Program B

So I'd like to be able to count the # of members over time from Jan 2006,
then June 2006 ... April 2010

So January 2006 would show 2 members and June 2006 would show 3 members
April 2010 would show 2 members etc...
Hi Daisy,
Your reference to 'graph' threw me but if I ignore that and read the rest of
the question, it seems you want a table like this
1-Jan-06 2
1-Jul-06 3
1-Jan-07 3
I will assume your data is in A1;F100 with row 1 holding labels
The major problem is the text "doesn't expire"
I selected the C column and used Edit | Replace to blank these cells out
(but see below)

In H1 I entered 1-1-2006 (that is the first item in my table)
In H2 I used the formula =DATE(YEAR(H1),MONTH(H1)+6,DAY(H1))
I copied this down the column
In I1 I entered the formula
and copied down the column
The second term allows for the blanks in column C

A better approach is to use Edit | Replace to convert "doesn't expire" to
1/1/2099 (or some other date in the far distant future)
Then the formula can be =SUMPRODUCT(($B$2:$B$100<=H1)*($C$2:$C$100>=H1))

best wishes