I am new to SQL and building security within access. I recently purchased
SQl for dummies and SQL in 10 mins for the sole purpose to learn SQL and use
it to build security within access. Both books reference the Grant And Revoke
SQl statments to control access to parts of a DB.
Each time I attempt to use these two statements i get the Following message
"Invalid SQl Statement; expected 'DELETE',INSERT','PROCEDURE','SELECT'OR
'UPDATE'" are these statements supported in access 2002 also if not what is
another way to grant access or revoke access to tables/quiers within access
useing sql
SQl for dummies and SQL in 10 mins for the sole purpose to learn SQL and use
it to build security within access. Both books reference the Grant And Revoke
SQl statments to control access to parts of a DB.
Each time I attempt to use these two statements i get the Following message
"Invalid SQl Statement; expected 'DELETE',INSERT','PROCEDURE','SELECT'OR
'UPDATE'" are these statements supported in access 2002 also if not what is
another way to grant access or revoke access to tables/quiers within access
useing sql