grant/deny internet access by user???

  • Thread starter Thread starter Frank Wood
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Frank Wood

Hi All,

Here is an interesting problem that I couldn't answer.
professional user (at home) with cable modem wants to be
able to deny any and all access to the internet to some
users (his kids) while allowing them to use the PC and
all other software loaded. In short, he wants to give
some kids (the older ones) internet access, but retain
the ability to deny internet access (in a case such
as "you're grounded off the Internet") while other users
would not have access at all.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Here is an interesting problem that I couldn't answer.
professional user (at home) with cable modem wants to be
able to deny any and all access to the internet to some
users (his kids) while allowing them to use the PC and
all other software loaded.

Modify the permissions on the iexplore.exe image to allow access only to the
older kids.
Brian Tillman Internet: Brian.Tillman at smiths-aerospace dot com
Smiths Aerospace Addresses modified to prevent SPAM.
3290 Patterson Ave. SE, MS 1B3 Replace "at" with "@", "dot" with "."
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