I have an area chart where they all start on the same axis. some of the data
series overlap and the ability to make them transparent would allow the
overlapping correllation to be seen. When I select the fill gradient however,
the transparency section is grayed out (unavailable). Why is this and how do
I get around it? I tried to download the latest service pack (3) but didn't
have my disks on hand so I cancelled. Now I cannot even open Excel because it
opens the installer (no way around this until I have my disks).
series overlap and the ability to make them transparent would allow the
overlapping correllation to be seen. When I select the fill gradient however,
the transparency section is grayed out (unavailable). Why is this and how do
I get around it? I tried to download the latest service pack (3) but didn't
have my disks on hand so I cancelled. Now I cannot even open Excel because it
opens the installer (no way around this until I have my disks).