Hugh Janus
Hi group,
Using an iPaq running Windows Mobile 2003. I have a need where I will
want to display a map and then using a bluetooth (or another form of
connectivity) GPS unit, receive the data and then store it on a db on
the device to later display points on my displayed map.
I have as yet to buy any hardware so this question is really one to see
if it is possible. So, is it possible to use VB2003 or VB2005 to
interface with a GPS device to receive data? If so, can anyone get me
started? Also, assuming it is possible, any other tips/hardware
recommendations etc?
Thanks in advance,
Using an iPaq running Windows Mobile 2003. I have a need where I will
want to display a map and then using a bluetooth (or another form of
connectivity) GPS unit, receive the data and then store it on a db on
the device to later display points on my displayed map.
I have as yet to buy any hardware so this question is really one to see
if it is possible. So, is it possible to use VB2003 or VB2005 to
interface with a GPS device to receive data? If so, can anyone get me
started? Also, assuming it is possible, any other tips/hardware
recommendations etc?
Thanks in advance,