Duncan Mole
Hi I posted on this last week so apologies for bringing it up again but so
far after having been put on the right track (Thanks Alex F) I have found no
further resources and am a bit dumbfounded.
Can someone explain in (very!) simple language the steps I need to take to
connect to a web server using an external GPRS modem in order that I may use
HttpWebRequest. Also what each step does for me for example AT commands
to....., RAS for..... Connection Manager for....
I have no problem with p/invoking and I am not really in a position to be
buying licenses so you can give it to me straight. ;-)
far after having been put on the right track (Thanks Alex F) I have found no
further resources and am a bit dumbfounded.
Can someone explain in (very!) simple language the steps I need to take to
connect to a web server using an external GPRS modem in order that I may use
HttpWebRequest. Also what each step does for me for example AT commands
to....., RAS for..... Connection Manager for....
I have no problem with p/invoking and I am not really in a position to be
buying licenses so you can give it to me straight. ;-)