By default logon on with cached credentials is enabled. You could also add the users
domain account to the local power users group on their computer which may accomplish
what you need, though to remove and add devices they may need to be in the local
administrators group which gives them a lot of power on their local computer , but
you may not have any other option. Keep in mind that both power users and local
administrators can create local users [if they know how] and if they logon with local
user accounts, user configuration Group Policy from the domain will not apply to
them. You can also configure Local Security Policy on a computer via gpedit.msc
which will apply to ALL users that logon with local accounts which may help prevent
the idle curious from changing settings that may cause problems on their computer.---
Steve said:
We need our notebook users who login to their notebooks
with a cached copy of their domain profile when out of the
office to have the same sort of rights as the Power User
would have i.e. install software, add/remove devices etc.
If this is possible how is it done?