It is actually quite easy if you read the following MSKB Article:
However, if you do not have this KB Article it is a tough nut to crack.
the important thing to remember is that you do the first part on a DC (
sure why that is necessary ) and the second part from a WIN2000 system
running the ADMINPAK.
Also, be aware that by default adding a group to the local xxxxx group
flush out the membership of that local xxxxx group. There is a fix to
as well. Please see the following MSKB Article:
This requires a phone call to MS-PSS and you need to know that if you have
both WIN2000 and WINXP systems then you will need the fix for the WIN2000
systems and the fix for the WINXP systems ( two separate fixes ). The
will not cost you anything.
So, say that you want to add your 'Help Desk' group to each of the systems
local Administrators group. Not a problem! Use the MSKB article that I
posted and in a few moments you are done. Now, three days later one of
Domain Admins is trying to log on to a system and install some software (
she just happened to be walking by and Mary, her buddy from high school,
asked her if she would.... ). So, Juanita logs on - using her account (
which is a member of the Domain Admins group! I know, not supposed to do
that but it happens in the real world all the freeking time! ) and is
to install the software! Why? Because when you applied the Restricted
Group GPO and added the 'Help Desk' group to the local Administrators
you flushed out all of the current members - including the Domain Admins.
So, if you do this - without applying the appropriate patch to each and
every system - then you would need to remember to add the Group of your
choice ( 'Help Desk' in this example ) -AND- the Domain Admins. The other
choice is to apply the appropriate patch to each system and then use the
Restricted Group GPO. With the patch installed the RG GPO no longer
the current membership and replaces it with the designated group(s) but
simply adds the designated group.