(See below for earlier messages in this subject)
The DNS setting is correctly pointing to the DC.
Earlier the user object lied in a sub OU under the
companyOU, so I tried making a new root ou and added a
new Policy there. Moved the user to the
new ou and enforced a update.
The result was computer recieving these GPOS: Local Group
policy, Default domain policy only. The policy in the
root OU that the user was in before had disappeared but
the newly created policy is not applied.
Looked at the Troubleshooting link and found a
lot of errors in the userenv file, but can't find
anything to do about it.
Here's the log output:
USERENV(42c.438) 02:00:00:187 Profile was loaded but the
Ref Count is 1 !!!
USERENV(42c.fa4) 02:00:06:718 MyRegUnLoadKey: Hive unload
for S-1-5-21-1844237615-412668190-725345543-500 failed
due to open registry key. Windows will try unloading the
registry hive once a second for the next 60 seconds (max).
USERENV(42c.fa4) 02:01:06:827 MyRegUnLoadKey: Windows was
not able to unload the registry hive.
USERENV(42c.fa4) 02:01:06:827 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to
unmount hive 5
USERENV(42c.fa4) 02:01:06:827 UnloadUserProfile: Didn't
unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(42c.fa4) 02:01:06:827 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2
user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-
USERENV(123c.c50) 11:03:39:800 CreateEnvironmentBlock:
Failed to open HKEY_CURRENT_USER, error = 5
USERENV(123c.c50) 11:03:39:832
ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser: CreateEnvironmentBlock
failed with = 203
USERENV(123c.ec0) 11:06:07:582 RegisterGPNotification:
CreateEvent failed with 5
USERENV(123c.ec0) 11:06:07:582 RegisterGPNotification:
CreateEvent failed with 5
USERENV(1044.1130) 11:21:08:597 CreateEnvironmentBlock:
Failed to open HKEY_CURRENT_USER, error = 5
USERENV(1044.1130) 11:21:08:628
ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser: CreateEnvironmentBlock
failed with = 203
USERENV(148.1388) 11:21:09:566 CreateEnvironmentBlock:
Failed to open HKEY_CURRENT_USER, error = 5
USERENV(148.1388) 11:21:09:566
ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser: CreateEnvironmentBlock
failed with = 203
Thankful for any help
Patrik Gisselsson
The DNS setting is correctly pointing to the DC.
Earlier the user object lied in a sub OU under the
companyOU, so I tried making a new root ou and added a
new Policy there. Moved the user to the
new ou and enforced a update.
The result was computer recieving these GPOS: Local Group
policy, Default domain policy only. The policy in the
root OU that the user was in before had disappeared but
the newly created policy is not applied.
Looked at the Troubleshooting link and found a
lot of errors in the userenv file, but can't find
anything to do about it.
Here's the log output:
USERENV(42c.438) 02:00:00:187 Profile was loaded but the
Ref Count is 1 !!!
USERENV(42c.fa4) 02:00:06:718 MyRegUnLoadKey: Hive unload
for S-1-5-21-1844237615-412668190-725345543-500 failed
due to open registry key. Windows will try unloading the
registry hive once a second for the next 60 seconds (max).
USERENV(42c.fa4) 02:01:06:827 MyRegUnLoadKey: Windows was
not able to unload the registry hive.
USERENV(42c.fa4) 02:01:06:827 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to
unmount hive 5
USERENV(42c.fa4) 02:01:06:827 UnloadUserProfile: Didn't
unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(42c.fa4) 02:01:06:827 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2
user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-
USERENV(123c.c50) 11:03:39:800 CreateEnvironmentBlock:
Failed to open HKEY_CURRENT_USER, error = 5
USERENV(123c.c50) 11:03:39:832
ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser: CreateEnvironmentBlock
failed with = 203
USERENV(123c.ec0) 11:06:07:582 RegisterGPNotification:
CreateEvent failed with 5
USERENV(123c.ec0) 11:06:07:582 RegisterGPNotification:
CreateEvent failed with 5
USERENV(1044.1130) 11:21:08:597 CreateEnvironmentBlock:
Failed to open HKEY_CURRENT_USER, error = 5
USERENV(1044.1130) 11:21:08:628
ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser: CreateEnvironmentBlock
failed with = 203
USERENV(148.1388) 11:21:09:566 CreateEnvironmentBlock:
Failed to open HKEY_CURRENT_USER, error = 5
USERENV(148.1388) 11:21:09:566
ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser: CreateEnvironmentBlock
failed with = 203
Thankful for any help
Patrik Gisselsson
..-----Original Message-----
Hi Partrik,
Thanks for your posting here.
This behavior can occur if a DNS server address is not correctly configured
in the client computer's Internet Protocol (IP) properties.
To resolve this issue:
1. Right-click My Network Places, and then click Properties.
2. Right-click Local Area Connection, and then click Properties.
3. Double-click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
4. Click "Use the following DNS server addresses", and then type the
correct DNS server address. I recommend that you point it to the same DNS
server as your Domain Controller.
You can use Gpresult.exe (a tool included in the Microsoft Windows 2000
Resource Kit) to troubleshoot group policy issues.
You can also refer to the following document for more information about
troubleshooting procedures for Group Policy processing on a Windows 2000
client computer.
250842 Troubleshooting Group Policy Application Problems
Wish it helps.
Bob Qin
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
From: "Update" <[email protected]>
Subject: GP in Terminal server
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 10:52:28 -0700
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windows.group_policy
I want to restrict a users desktop in W2000 Terminal
server. Disable Internet explorer, controlpanel, my
network and so on. Made a OU for the restricted user and
moved the user there. Then added the OU GP with the
restrictions in user configuration. But the restrictions
does not apply. Tried checking block inheritance & no
overide, using secedit to update the policys, adding a
group with the user to the GP security.
What should I do to make this work?
Patrik Gisselsson