To add to what lforbes has said, I've found some Windows XP computers get
Application Event Log entries with Source = UserEnv 1053 ("Windows cannot
determine the computer name. (An internal error occurrred.) Group Policy
processing aborted.") or Userint 1000 (Could not execute the following
script [logon script name]. The system cannot find the file specified".).
You might also see System Event Log entries with Source = LsaSrv 40961
("The Security System could not establish a secured connection with the
server cifs/DomainControllerName.DomainName. No authentication protocol
was available.").
In some cases, what appears to be happening is that the NetLogon service
is starting and attempting to communicate with the Domain Controller
before the DNS Client service has been able to communicate with a DNS
server; this causes the attempt to resolve the domain name via DNS to
fail and thus other startup processing doesn't get done. Making the
NetLogon service dependent on the Dnscache service appears to fix this
issue, at least in some cases
To make the NetLogon service dependent on the Dnscache service:
1. open regedit
2. navigate to
3. double click on DependOnService in the right pane
4. click on the end of the line that reads "LanmanWorkstation" (to remove
the highlighting/selection)
5. press Enter to get a new line
6. key Dnscache
7. click OK
8. restart the computer
See if this fixes this problem.
One way to automate this change is using the sc command:
sc config netlogon depend= LanmanWorkstation/Dnscache
(Note the space between the "=" sign and "LanmanWorkstation".)
Bruce Sanderson MVP
It's perfectly useless to know the right answer to the wrong question.
Rosello M. Bagundol said:
I have a GP set on a group of users. I'm using Windows 2000 AS.
Recently, I
have joined a new computer to the domain but the policy settings are not
propagating to that pc when I used an existing user account (to which
user account the GP is applied). Any ideas why is this happening?