As many as 143 million Americans could have a new tax to pay if the
Internet Tax Moratorium is not renewed.
Without Senate action, Internet access WILL BE TAXED!
Senators: Pass S. 150, the Internet Tax Non-Discrimination Act!
Goto http://noemailtax.com and have an email or postal letter
delivered to your specific crook, er.. politician concerning this new
government encroachment into your pocket book or sit back and watch
the Government kill the Internet, which would be fine with them
because what is the Internet but the free exchange of ideas and
information which, by its nature, is something that scares the hell
out of the government. Don't let these crooked, immoral bastards kill
your Internet.
"The peoples of all nations spawn the governments they deserve.
Government, by its nature, is inherently evil. If not harnessed from
its conception, if not made vigilant over, it will burst from its
humanitarian bonds and consume those it was brought forth to serve."
We can't get anything done in this
town because of this Constitution.
Hillary Clinton
Internet Tax Moratorium is not renewed.
Without Senate action, Internet access WILL BE TAXED!
Senators: Pass S. 150, the Internet Tax Non-Discrimination Act!
Goto http://noemailtax.com and have an email or postal letter
delivered to your specific crook, er.. politician concerning this new
government encroachment into your pocket book or sit back and watch
the Government kill the Internet, which would be fine with them
because what is the Internet but the free exchange of ideas and
information which, by its nature, is something that scares the hell
out of the government. Don't let these crooked, immoral bastards kill
your Internet.
"The peoples of all nations spawn the governments they deserve.
Government, by its nature, is inherently evil. If not harnessed from
its conception, if not made vigilant over, it will burst from its
humanitarian bonds and consume those it was brought forth to serve."
We can't get anything done in this
town because of this Constitution.
Hillary Clinton