Is it possible to combine these 2 lines
<body onload="FP_goToURL(target="_blank" /*href*/'Hadwall_ABC.pdf')">
<p><a target="_blank" href="Hadwall_ABC.pdf">SomeText</a></p>
I want - if possible - OnLoad to go to a URL "in a new window"
I seem to be able to get both lines working but not sure how to combine them
Thank you
Is it possible to combine these 2 lines
<body onload="FP_goToURL(target="_blank" /*href*/'Hadwall_ABC.pdf')">
<p><a target="_blank" href="Hadwall_ABC.pdf">SomeText</a></p>
I want - if possible - OnLoad to go to a URL "in a new window"
I seem to be able to get both lines working but not sure how to combine them
Thank you