GoToRecord 2007

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Is there a problem with the gotorecord command in access 2007 ?

I have this code
stTEst = IsNull(Forms(scrF)!ScriptID)
If stTEst Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, scrF
Exit Sub
End If

zCNT = Forms(scrF).RecordsetClone.RecordCount

DoCmd.OpenForm scrF, acNormal, , strcScript, , acHidden

If zCNT > 0 Then
DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, scrF, True
DoCmd.GoToRecord , scrF, acFirst
sct1 = Forms!strMeds!SIG
zCNT = zCNT - 1
End If

I do this about 4 times I then collect the sct1 thru 4 and use them in a
report. With only 2007 I can not go pass the gotorecord statment. There are
no errors with access 2003 or XP
OK I asked the question and got no answer so I fixed it my self. I am still
not sure why the code did not work so I wen around it with this one. and lo
and behold it works

Set stScrpt = Forms(scrF).RecordsetClone

zCNT = stScrpt.RecordCount

'MsgBox "My form contains " _
& zCNT _
& " records.", vbInformation, "Record Count"

If zCNT > 0 Then
COUNT = 1 ' used as a test to open script form some where else
sct1 = stScrpt.Fields.Item("SIG")
'MsgBox sct1
zCNT = zCNT - 1
End If

I am sure there is a catch somewhere but right now my bubble is very big