K Keith Robinson Nov 14, 2003 #1 Can any one help me with a macro/code that will make the next empty cell in a named rage become the active cell
Can any one help me with a macro/code that will make the next empty cell in a named rage become the active cell
D Don Guillett Nov 14, 2003 #2 try Sub findnextblank() Application.Goto [findrng].Find("", after:=ActiveCell) End Sub
R RADO Nov 15, 2003 #3 a couple of ways Range("MyRange").End(xlDown).Offset(1).Activate or Dim c As Range Set c = Range("MyRange").Cells(1) Do Until c.Value = Empty Set c = c.Offset(1) Loop c.Activate Cheers, RADO
a couple of ways Range("MyRange").End(xlDown).Offset(1).Activate or Dim c As Range Set c = Range("MyRange").Cells(1) Do Until c.Value = Empty Set c = c.Offset(1) Loop c.Activate Cheers, RADO