Windows XP Got Windows XP and aren't planning to upgrade to Vista/W7?


Feb 23, 2002
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I had to admit, the poll results (on right hand column of this page) have really surprised me. I knew XP was still very popular, but so far it seems that W7 has already overtaken Vista and that XP is still way in the lead.

This got me thinking... are there many users here that have XP but don't plan to upgrade?

I completely understand that there are still plenty of computers that came with XP that are 5+ years old now and upgrading the OS wouldn't be worth it whilst XP still works fine. I would have kept XP on my laptop had I not had a spare copy of W7.
I still have XP on one laptop.. I have W7 home, but XP laptop has so much stuff on and is running just fine. I don't really see the reason to upgrade it. LAyzness is playing quite a big part I know. But why fix something that isn't broke. I'd rathr keep the copy of W7 for the future if I plan to do a build....On that XP laptop I have WAMP, which seems to run fine on there, but I get all kinds of errors when I run it on W7...
Still running XP. Still have lots of games to play that will run at highest settings on XP an will only change over to 7 later in the New Year when I start to play some of the latest games. I'll be looking out for a new GFX card to play em with as well.

For everyday use I'm a Mandy fan, faster and more secure than windows.

Abarbarian said:
faster and more secure than windows.


Faster ??? Thats debatable...More secure than Windows ? Only becuase like Mac it only holds a very tiny % of the market and nobody can be arsed to cause any damage......:p
Madxgraphics said:
Faster ??? Thats debatable...More secure than Windows ? Only becuase like Mac it only holds a very tiny % of the market and nobody can be arsed to cause any damage......:p

Mandy is faster on my pc. I dual boot with XP. Start up is faster as I don't have to wait for anti-virus etc to update. An I feel that most programs run faster aswell. Thats me on my pc othere folk may have different experiences.

As to "a tiny % of the market" who gives a stuff. Me statement stands , Mandy is much more secure than XP. What may happen in the future is anyones guess but at the moment GNU/Linux is much safer to use than Windows and probably will continue to be.

It's not a case of Mandriva/Linux holding a certain percentage of the market, as MadX points out, it's simply because the detritus known as virus writers choose not to go there because why damage 3% of the world's computers when you can try and nobble 97%? Simple. (Those figures not accurate, just illustrative).

If the scrapings from the dogpoo on my shoe chose to write Mac & Linux Viruses we'd be seeing the same stories of woe from those OS users as those who use windows. So that's the reason Mandriva is more secure, it's disinterest, not the robustness of Linux security.

As for speed, every single Linux Distro I've tried has been faster than it's Windows equivalent of the time, that's just the way it is, for me.

I suspect it's because most Linux Distros don't come with as much crap as all Windows systems. Most are not bloatware.

Whatever, having said that, I quite like some of that Windows crap :D

Anyhoo, for me, Linux it be quicker.
Are we talking about Linux been faster than Windows in booting up or in actually doing stuff..Sorry but if its the latter, to me Windows is faster..Anyway Abarbarian I am not knocking Linux. I actually like it when I get my head around it, and that in part is thanks to you and stuff you have posted on this forum...:thumb:
I know you guys are just funning. Takes quite a bit to get me goat up so you can generaly say out'
to me an I won't get offended.

Me thinks GNU/Linux is more secure because of the way the os is compiled rather than the market share. An I think it would take a lot more work on the part of the bad guys to hack into a GNU/Linux system. If GNU/Linux becomes more popular then the bad guys may make the effort ot hack in.
I read quite a lot of "sensible" articles on GNULinux and my conclusion is that a properly set up os is pretty darn near impossible to hack with out some serious computing power and time, not things usually available to the drive by hacking that mostly occurs on the net to the average user.
When I talk of speed I mean the speed of use, not the bootup time. I'm not that bothered about bootup time tbh, never have been, unless it gets excessively long of course and then something's usually wrong.

Must admit there isn't much difference but a user generally gets a feel for the speed of use of an OS and my observation has been that Linux (mostly Mint) has been that little bit nippier than Windows. Especially faster than Vista, but that's not hard to do ;)

I have just installed Linux Mint 8 to a 160Gb hard disk and the notes during install state quite boldly that there is no need to install any anitvirus or spyware software or ever carry out a defrag. Inbuilt security or a naive trust that they won't be targeted? I shall have to look into this.

Going to have a mess with Mint right now and will report briefly in the Mint thread.